Hey everyone! Check out my amazing new video on a great new channel. Save the animals, save the world. They are a great charity that sell t shirts to raise money for conservation purposes. So this video is on my Glass Stag Beetles( Giselle and Spike). They are gorgeous stag beetles, filled with such character. Enjoy!!
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Welcome fellow insect nerds!
Hello, welcome to the insectnerd where we chat about all things insects, other inverts, and other animals too.
There are caresheets on a range of inverts, such as; Ladybirds, Butterflies, Some mantis species, stick insects, leaf insects and much more. Don't forget to check out my vlogs on either youtube.
Go to this link to purchase a novelty mug :https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Insect-and-Animal-Novelty-mug-For-animal-and-insect-lovers/392969270735?hash=item5b7ecb35cf:g:EHEAAOSwv2pfe18Y
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